“More important things to do in this chapter- smash cut forward to bathing after training for a long time and checking out the town” Much more important – I’ve only got a few pages left for this chapter!~ XD

“More important things to do in this chapter- smash cut forward to bathing after training for a long time and checking out the town” Much more important – I’ve only got a few pages left for this chapter!~ XD
That water’s ability to hide and then expose is absolutely magical! /j
Thanks for the page!
(Tries to write witty comment, but for some reason is too distracted)
Great job ruining hot spring baths for everyone else, Aiya. =_=
That perplexed look in panel four…is just wonderfully subtle! Great artwork there. 😊👍
Rather the more fitting word is one that can refer to the same thing as a certain p word that often is associated with cats, but much harsher, and the only association it has with cats is starting with the same letter.
Just like pizza, there’s no such thing as a truly bad bath. Some are just better than others.
Hah! Okay this is definitely preferable to spending an extra page or two meeting the beaten-up elf fighters. Though it could’ve totally made sense to see them soaking off their aches here too 🙂
The outside of the ‘tub’ looks interesting – I cant tell if it’s meant to be like actual tree branches? It’s almost like they somehow made a tree grow into a basin for hot water, which is a strange concept in itself 😀 I know the actual construction isnt important but still :p
Also the vertical vine/thorn wood ‘wall’ totally looks intimidating! Is it to keep the ‘sides’ separate, or just how the walls are made? For some reason it reminds me of like a terraria texture or something…
The elves use magic to form trees branches and trunks to grow into shapes they find useful and they can even fuse them together. Effectively just becoming whatever it is the elves want, while maintaining their function as living trees. The houses are a mix of traditional houses, and tree homes- and the one Kaylin and Nyna were staying in was a mix of both, a house built into an elven tree house. I should be able to show more in the next page but not sure how much. So much to do and show- XD