Thinking about the past in the rain… but what about thinking about the possibly or likely simulated past that you both had and didn’t have or did have or who knows- *Existential dread*.

Thinking about the past in the rain… but what about thinking about the possibly or likely simulated past that you both had and didn’t have or did have or who knows- *Existential dread*.
Even creepier than the concept of being a Boltzmann Brain.
Very unusual that Nyna sticks her hand out in the rain. Normally, cats HATE water
Depends on the type of cat – and the individual cat. Tigers love to go swimming, for example.
my cat loves getting wet, hates being sprayed
Ours sits in the sink and turns the tap on by himself then runs like his tail was on fire.
How old was Kaitlin – physicsally – when her parents passed on?
Kaylin was like 62-64 years old- elves mature at the same rate as humans, they just physically don’t appear to age after around 20-30 for like 900-1200ish years and even in their old age elderly appearances they don’t look much older than 50-60. So- Like most of her life – she was Physically aged the same as she is now?
So how old was she mentally when her parents passed on?
In her twenties to thirties?
I’m not sure you understand what I’m saying. Mentality doesnt exist on a scale of years. A person can act like or have the mentality of a child till they are in their 40’s or even longer. While a 15-16 year old might have a mentality closer to an average adult depending on circumstances, the life they lead, yada yada- I said they mature at the same age as humans, so from around the age of 18-25 she became an adult- and that doesn’t really change noticeable for a decade or two for humans, and it doesn’t really change all that much for elves either. For the most part- even if there is an “elder mentality” which I don’t think there really is, once you are an adult, that’s it, it doesn’t really matter anymore. Her human parents died when she was an adult. There’s no Number associated with mentality there. Even if I DID give you a number- it would be meaningless because your concept on when these things change can be completely different based on your own experiences. So- if you have a particular reason for asking, you should continue your train of thought rather than leaving it at a question that cannot be answered in a way you seem to want it to be answered.
Woof, bit of truth in there
Last panel – I think you mean “moved *in* with mostly elves”? She’s talking about living situations, so hopefully I’m reading the context/intention right.
Also she looks surprisingly chipper in that last panel, despite talking about her human parents’ deaths – even if it was long enough ago (lorewise) that it doesn’t seem to hurt as much thinking about it.
It’s not moved in, moved on is correct. It’s not like she moved in with them at their house/home – it’s that she moved on in her life, and joined the elven factions (Not an elven town/city). She was part of a group of elven rangers, and later a thieves guild. The chipper look isn’t because she’s talking about something sad like her parents dying, because she’s not, she’s talking about the places she calls home, which she does not have a strong connection to anymore, either of them. She spent about 60 years with her human family- which was 60 years of her over 250 years she’s lived. She smile is a bit forced, because she’s basically saying she’s lived most of her life without a home, and isn’t talking about the other memories she has which only further complicates the feelings.
Yeah, I’m sure Kaylin’s mind is all over the place right now. Deep moods in the rain – concepts of mortality, reality, history, memory… not to mention the upcoming confrontation with high elves, a possible first meeting with her goodess, and still feeling protective of Nyna amidst elves that could be hostile to her as a monster.
I’d say she needs a vacation to unwind but I doubt she’ll seek or get one! Some people can just never stop.
And then there’s Kevin’s home. Still better than being the brain in a Cyberman.
Home is where your heart is. Most of her life Kaylin has not had a place to put her heart.