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Wandering Home – 12

Wandering Home – 12 published on 12 Comments on Wandering Home – 12

“It’s not that I’m trying to be nice or helpful. It’s just, if Elli has a bad experience because she trusted someone, she’d likely stop trusting me, and then I couldn’t get away with being super lazy and self serving!” – The unsaid part out loud.


If the butterfly flaps its wings, suddenly everyone has the manager double checking their timecards and admin command logs!

I’m glad to see Ellisia’s childish directness called out and acknowledged in-world. It should make Kaylin very afraid, since a big part of her wheelhouse is social manipulation via Silver Tongue… and that can fall apart spectacularly when children are involved, because they can abruptly break all rules and expectations for how conversations should go. Even if Kaylin DOESNT try to manipulate Ellisia, the risk of critical misunderstanding is increasingly present every time they talk – moreso than with a non-disembodied-AI goddess-non-child person, anyway.

Mentioned it on Patreon, but in the second panel and the second speech bubble there, the period after “benefit” needs to be a comma.

Loving the comic—keep up the great work!

Agree it would work well as a comma connecting two parts of an If/Then thought, but it also works as separate halting sentences to show Correndel’s hesitant mode of speech.

Ultimately it’s up to Sage whether which best fits the intent here, but it’s always good to bring up potential language issues like this when you see them! Better to say something constructive and let the author decide than to stay quiet about phrasing that may also be unclear or confusing to other readers.

Nah, the “If” sentence is a fragment. It needs connecting to something else. If it is meant to be a cut-off thought, it needs an em dash to indicate that.

Yeah, to denote a pause it should be a dash, so it should be a comma there. Patreon is pretty bad at informing me of comments and hides them from immediate view, so if you notice something, please post it here rather than there for sure. I check these a lot more, because I often have to approve comments too so I like reading the comments, but I also have to more often ^_^

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