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Wandering Home – 11

Wandering Home – 11 published on 12 Comments on Wandering Home – 11

Little off screen dialogue to keep some things vague to come up later. But if you have issues with following this – They took advantage of his fear of monsters and Kaylin’s intimidation – and the blackmail being, Kaylin won’t use her influence to press for his “relocation”, which will make a little more sense in the next page too. Enjoy! Poor lazy boy…


A message like “stop being such prudes” seems like it could have unintended consequences when delivered by a deity to a loyal following.

Yeah, should probably clarify that they don’t have to join in if they don’t want to, just let others worship how they please

Though honestly keeping up a wall so they don’t have to look at it is a fair compromise

He ought to make them an offer. How about: if you get naked he answers one prayer, if you get it on with your chosen partner he’ll answer two, and for every time you – ahem – arrive, he’ll grant a really special prayer.

Looks like I wasn’t completely off: he didn’t tell the high elves to give the Lyrestra-worshippers a hard time about how they worship her.

As lazy as he is, he may not have told them anything much, apart from the unspecified complaints, which I doubt he expected to snowball the way they did.

A deity complaining to his followers is a problem in its own right. If he needs to complain, he should take it up with his fellow divinity & work out a compromise before presenting a solution (jointly) to the followers of both. Otherwise, you get holy wars, crusades,… inquisitions.

Seems more like what happened in Britain way back when…
“Won’t someone rid me of these tiresome nobles?” Seems to have become “won’t someone censor these fornicating hotties in front me?” Of course, if he IS as young as he appears, maybe he is just seriously uncomfortable about sexy elves getting it on on front of him?

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