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Wandering Home – 10

Wandering Home – 10 published on 33 Comments on Wandering Home – 10

The last god that died wasn’t killed by Ellisia, they were killed by a Monster. O_O
Also, yep- this god- is. . . well. He’s not wrong. If he had to do actually hard work- he’d throw a tantrum till the world froze over XD (Not really, he automated the processes of most of his work a long time ago- he’s good at some things, especially if it can make his job easier).


…This guy’s pathetic. I mean, his only skills are in things that make stuff easier for him? I don’t know whether to call him pathetic, lazy, or both? But honestly, being so pathetic and/or lazy that you have skills in areas that make stuff get done for you is honestly kinda respectable, but not in a good way, if that makes any sense.

I can kind of sympathize, im not good at remembering to do things at a certain time I always end up forgetting, so in games like minecraft and the like I always dug deeply into automation so I wouldn’t have to because I built systems to do it for me. I got good enough at making my life easier I am now an industrial engineer working at a steel plant.

Compensating for your weaknesses is part of life, so the whole good at making his life easier thing i get, he’s still a baby afraid of mommy though.

second Panel :has 2 To’s next to each other .. i am unsure how to read that atm

and continue with your great art work <3

he literally jumped into the spotlight to ask not to have attention drawn to him. good job

Uhh- Not how i would put it! He jumped in to try and stop someone from making a call to his boss to complain about him. It’s a bit different. He only cares that the person he’s really afraid of gets wind of how lazy he is, and only just now learning, perhaps there are more things to fear in this world than his boss. Still- perfectly natural to fear his boss though.

I’d really expected him to say the bad stuff is his worshippers’ idea and not his. He might STILL say that, if it turns out that this attitude makes him basically a doormat that the high elves have used to justify their political moves. I just hope it doesn’t turn out that his weakness means he is ALSO a very good liar.

If all he has to do is make sure the glowing ball moves around on schedule in exchange for worldwide adoration… then yeah, he lucked into a pretty easy gig! Which is also REALLY funny given the setting of Rune Aria; it’s stupidly common in MMOs and RPGs in general for major world events to be accompanied by SOMETHING messing with the sun. Eclipses or dark clouds blocking it, the glowball getting too strong in a BAD way, color change, or its motion speeding up/stopping entirely.

Wonder if we’ll build up to one of those and get to see his reaction? 😀

odd question His Job being mostly automated by him means him dying really wouldn’t effect anything would it?

That’s the downside of Automating your job so well that you don’t have to do it. Anyone who can operate and maintain your automation can replace you. It can even go a bit while “they” find a replacement.

The trick is to make sure you’re the vital piece of the system, that removing you breaks everything. But not so vital that you can’t train a replacement, if you get promoted. 😏

Did the last guy /actually/ make a mistake and get punished, or is that just Correndel’s interpretation of someone being given responsibility?

I don’t know if this part of the story will ever get told, so it went down something like this.
Elli – I am going to need many of you to go out into the expanded universe to ensure everything is running smoothly. There are many places out there without gods, and those that do have gods need to either join, or be replaced. So! Do any of you wish to volunteer your services?
Correndel – Uhm- What are these worlds like and what’s involved?
Sol – Obviously nothing a fool like you can help with. You’re completely useless. Basically just someone to take care of things when I have more pressing matters to deal with.
Elli – Ah, Sol, you do have a great work ethic.
Sol – Absolutely, Correndel is a complete waste here. You could probably just erase him and we’d never know if it weren’t for the lovely silence.
Correndel – Uhm- Sol-
Sol – Shut up you waste of – O_O
Elli – Thank you so much Sol. You’ve made it clear I can’t leave an important job like this up to anyone but the most skilled, that aren’t completely necessary for our home world. I’ll make you the only god of one of the other worlds! I’ll want to get reports every few weeks. If I don’t see progress, we’ll look at finding ways to make you function more effectively in your new workspace.
Sol – Wait- *Dematerializes*
Elli – Congrats on your promotion Correndel! Work hard for me!
Correndel – Y-Yes ma’am!

Quite the bratty kid, that one. Though I must’ve missed something… Why’s he afraid of Nyna?

I like him. In that he’s pathetic and makes for good teasing material, but I don’t think he’s terrible. His followers on the other hand are a different matter. Still, nothing our intrepid Kaylin and Nyna can’t take care of provided Sunny C here doesn’t care overmuch. Could even consider it another favor done.

Of course, as anybody who’s ever done IT work (particularly system administration) can tell you… figuring out ways to automate the 90% of your job that’s boring scutwork is critical to being in a position where you can actually do something useful if an actual emergency happens.

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