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I’m going to guess that the God does not actually condone everything his followers have been doing, but there is some restriction preventing him from being able to force them to stop.

I personally find the answer more fun than that… I wouldn’t call the actual answer better though. XD Probably – far worse is how I would put it, but fun.

Is “Kaylin the rogue” turning into “Kaylin the cleric”?

i think clerics are a bit more reverent about their deities XD

Funny thing is, not long back I was openly wondering how Kaylin would file a “Bug Report” with Ellisia… looks like she went for it just by yelling it out loud! It certainly got Correndel’s attention at least – and makes me wonder how ‘trigger happy’ Ellisia is with sweeping changes that Kaylin’s aborted call got him THIS worried.

So now he’ll get to speak in his own defense; if it turns out the whole mess is the high elves’ idea, maybe it’ll redirect Kaylin’s figurative crosshairs a little. Given how the lack of worshipers effectively crippled Kaala, I wonder how bad it is to have *disobedient* worshippers? How vulnerable is a god to the whims of their followers?

i love how much kaylin has rubbed off on nyna – these days her reaction to gods is just “hey another one” XD

She grew up with a god regularly visiting her.

Exactly that. The way she views gods is very different from many others, even Yunn, someone in personal contact with her goddess, sees her as a being she may never get to have an IN person conversation with. Her prayers are answered sometimes in a method almost like a telephone call, or a vision. So her seeing this, even though it’s not her god, is a pretty big deal for her. Nyna on the other hand… well… you’ll all see- i think next week.

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