Information sharing between people is very different in fantasy worlds, so running into people that have a really good understanding of the greater picture is pretty rare. Kaala’s direct communication with her people is far more effective but she also has far fewer that she confides in. Kaylin has a ton of outside views on the wider world and how it originally functions and believes heavily in information gathering- but eventually she’s going to suffer from not being able to look beyond her position inside the game. Making it important to setup means of communicating with networks of people from vast distances to maintain that edge in time.

Nyna raises a very good point!
Well, that explains that.
I guess the old one couldn’t adapt to the changing world, wouldn’t listen to Ellistria, and saw the chaos after the adventurers disappeared as a chance to finally “win” by slaughtering the opposition.
I was going to say “looks like they’re working on…” But then I read the description note. So instead: “May the divinity bingo card be with you”
when does anyone ever win that Bingo game?
Ummm, define *win*.
Slow and steady
Am I going crazy, or is “Ellistia” supposed to be “Ellisia”?
You are not crazy, I should just not have a character named Ellisia and another character named Elista and write dialogue out late at night! Good catch! I know it can be difficult to catch errors in names sometimes especially when they aren’t a seen character (yet).
If that character hasn’t been seen yet, there’s still time for you to rename them, no?
Aaand I found her?
That´s probably like family members confusing names of each other XD
Now that one doesn’t take writing dialogue at 0 dark 30.
At this point, the three of them need to find a room.
And compare notes.