I am off to a convention for the weekend! I shall be back either very late Sunday or Monday afternoon. I am hoping this doesn’t affect the update for Artificial Incident, but I have also been working extra long all month to get stuff ready and keep up with everything so- If I do miss next week- It probably means I got sick or something o_o. Because I am doing everything I can to not miss an update! XD

The speech bubble in the third panel seems to be pointing the wrong way — it looks like Kaylin is speaking, but the context indicates that Kaala’s the one speaking.
thanks for catching that! Fixing it now!
Aww. Course she loves her. (How could she resist?)
wow, she truly is committed to being a pet
Heh cute moment there at the end! Have a great time at the convention Sage!
Awwww, cute.
At the risk of sounding redundant: awwww!
Yeah no, Sage this time really managed to earn every single “AWWWWW” he can get.
Redundancy is the only way this time.