Yep, she’s working with the details she’s being fed while keeping in character. Soon we will start to kick things up a notch now that we’ve gotten some things explained and started!
Yep, she’s working with the details she’s being fed while keeping in character. Soon we will start to kick things up a notch now that we’ve gotten some things explained and started!
Thinking back, an Elf calling anyone old is kinda the kettle calling the pot black, hehe.
You saying all elves are old?
It’s what the young ones would have you believe…
GreyMon will now forever be voiced by Mr Torgue whenever I read his lines. *Air guitar solos*
Hells yeah! *Bro fists*
*Returns Brofist*
*entire area erupts in an explosion of testosterone, badassery, and guitar riffs*
OH MAN! But what if the sword you shoot EXPLODES! And then turns into three smaller swords … WHICH THEN EXPLODE?! It would be like a SWORDSPLOSION! Tina, make Roland’s gun do the things I just said!
Tina, make Roland’s gun do the things I just said!
I’ll be honest. I was disappointed because I was hoping for it to shoot a single sword the enemy, damaging them, then acting like a sticky and exploding.
when did greymon yell? the only yelling i remember was VRSFan in the previous page,
Was just thinking that myself. Possibly a writing error. It happens. ^^;
yea who knows. oh well.
Yep – I wrote the wrong line in! I’m fixing it now! It should be VRSFan there.
Caps lock
Gremon has never yelled until this point.
Caps Lock is regarded as yelling in Netiquette.
ok than. i was aware that caps lock is yelling. hence why i pointed out VRSFan in the previous comment
and feel free to make GreyMon mr torgue.
Yeah I just checked the whole thing, that’s his first shouting. Either he’s being a dick with his joke, or the wrong name got used.
Or VRSFan hacked him and then said that, or vice versa. (Or it’s the same person failing to be multiple people in a conversation.)
Also possible he yelled at some point during a transition, during travel, or just anytime not shown to us.
Thinking about it, I think it would be funnier if he didn’t yell earlier. That means he’s “sorry” about the yelling he’s doing right now, and therefore probably not sorry at all.
Hiya Sage! Just popped over from Yosh! to read this for the first time. I like it so far! I’ll be following it! ^-^
Being respectfully unrespectful to “Gramps”.
Have I mentioned I love this so far?
Pretty excited about this new comic! – I just caught up