Chapter 8 has begun! A bit later than intended- apparently I forgot to tell it to auto post the update at midnight and I was like “That’s odd, I didn’t get an alert that the comic went up- oooooh.”

Chapter 8 has begun! A bit later than intended- apparently I forgot to tell it to auto post the update at midnight and I was like “That’s odd, I didn’t get an alert that the comic went up- oooooh.”
Bodyguard good one
Probably the best lie she could have gone for, really. Kaylin has made the “demi-human” lie work well enough, but the first instinct of everyone is still going to be “monster” and they’ll likely stay on guard around her. The role of bodyguard plays into that. They’re supposed to be intimidating, so the townsfolks’ fear gets a harmless justification that helps sell both the aforementioned lies and the idea that Kaylin is a civilian (and likely affluent) merchant rather than a legendary adventurer.
Cute bodyguard!! Just look out for the claws.
I can just hear the languid way she’s saying that.
The most respectable of jobs, never has an Or Something wandering into town been a cause for disturbance, or target of suspicion.
She looked incredibly bored when she said that. Kitty needs to kill…I mean play.
Chapter 7 cover is missing?
Chapter 7 Cover didn’t get finished in time and I didn’t like how it turned out as I was almost done with it weeks later- so I scrapped it and decided to rework it and just make sure it’s done before the book release… To this day it is still not completed. XD