Have a great Thanksgiving for those who have it- and for the rest of you- have a wonderful day! But no one should have both! That is just too much of a good thing and may form a karma implosion.

Have a great Thanksgiving for those who have it- and for the rest of you- have a wonderful day! But no one should have both! That is just too much of a good thing and may form a karma implosion.
i can see an extra tag along only being an inconvenience
or maybe even a liability
so i won’t be that surprised if they fine a reason for him to not join in on their trip
and i am sure nyna would be none to pleased either
Yeah, he’s an extra squishy target that needs defending if anything goes wrong.
and there’s your excuse, “sorry, but at the speeds we’ll be going the wind will just peel you like an apple, but with more screaming and juicy bits. the kid? he can shield himself, and me and the catgirl are tough enough to not be bothered by it”
Escort quest!
I doubt they will allow that.
Here’s where they find out he’s a world class expert archer and would be handy in a dogfight…
something i keep wondering for some time now…. considering that that npc they fought was able to learn player skills (albeit not that good) would nyna be able to learn spells/magic from callum? and do class restrictions still apply to kaylin? 0.o