Channeling a god takes a lot out of ya… Or perhaps when two really stupid people put their brains together they cause a temporary spike in brain function they just can’t handle it.

Channeling a god takes a lot out of ya… Or perhaps when two really stupid people put their brains together they cause a temporary spike in brain function they just can’t handle it.
This is like orange cats, isn’t it? There is only one collective high elf brain cell and their god and her tried to use it at the same time.
OMG! LMAO, you are perfect!
ooohhhhhhhhhh, now i get it
Stupid squared is still stupid. Just more OF it. But I can’t quite bring myself to fully dislike sunshine or Keilia. There’s still SOME dislike there though
Sunburn. Nobody likes sunburn. You don’t like his *results,* even though you don’t dislike *him* personally.
“Or perhaps when two really stupid people put their brains together they cause a temporary spike in brain function they just can’t handle it.” Heh, thank you Sage, I’ll have to remember this one!
Well hopefully there will be far less screw ups now when it comes to instructions from on high!
Now we just need a wee bit more context for the lady on why Correndel is now caring about this now, and hasn’t for the past so many years.
SHE CANT HANDLE THE CONTEXT! (Sarcasm sorta- Reference joke 100%)
“Or perhaps when two really stupid people put their brains together they cause a temporary spike in brain function they just can’t handle it.”
Or they will take it too literal and blame the resulting headache on thinking too hard.
Now lets find out if Keilia will accept this and help improve elven relations from here on out.
Now that’s some weapons grade shtupid.
On the plus side, Yunn is smarter than both of them and should be able to guide both of them as needed to avoid future problems.
I love the implication here that the criteria for being “High Priestess” is having your god speak through you. Did Yunn say she was a high priestess? If so that means Lyrestra has spoken through her before. Suggests that she may do so again – would be a way for Sage to not have to draw Lyrestra in ‘full detail’ for too many pages in a row, especially if she ends up being a REALLY DETAILED design!
Honestly, Kaylin also needs to explain the whole ‘godly favors’ thing to Yunn so they can be looking out for opportunities to help their resident dark elf adventurer. She could totally find a way to turn salvaging Correndel’s mess into another life-favor for Kaylin… or possibly even for herself.
It’s not the strain that knocks them out, it’s that stupid people put their brains together more physically, smoosh, sometimes it works and they get new ideas.
“Four candles. ‘Andles for forks.”