Kaylin, one of the few elves that sleeps, complicated reasons why that demands I explain the whole elves don’t sleep thing and how my version differs slightly from the elves of D&D etc etc. So- not going into it! But basically, elves meditate rather than sleep, Kaylin was very very young when she was taken in by human parents, didn’t learn about meditation till she started living with other elves *awkwardness ensued*. Kaylin still sleeps but can meditate to reduce her need for sleep significantly, and sleeping for her only takes 4-6 hours to fully rest.

She needs to be awakened in the preferred feline manner: by placing her favorite breakfast under her nose and letting the aroma do its work.
Isn’t that also the preferred elf manner, and the preferred dwarf manner, and the preferred human manner… ?
We are all cats.
The preferred feline manner is sticking their butt in your face at dawn and yowling to be fed 😉
No, that’s how a feline prefers to wake up a human. Felines are not to be interrupted in their sleep except by food.
And here I thought the reason was “Player-elves need to sleep, so all player-elves sleep while NPC-elves don’t.”
I also thought this need for sleep for Kaylin may be related to her real human part actually needing one, and how it translated into the game universe.
It’s not entirely incorrect thinking. It was part of Kaylin’s written story that she actually sleeps, because as a streamer she often would end her stream saying she needed to sleep – and geeks like me would be like “elves dont sleep- they meditate-” so she used her human parents and upbringing to say she sleeps- etc etc 😀
Alas, poor Nyna lol
I always thought it was that elves can sleep, they just prefer the ‘reverie’, although some do like sleeping.
In D&D, at least in 5e, the page for elves says that they don’t sleep, the use of the word “don’t” implies they are physically incapable of it
In 5.5e, the wording for elf traits now specifically says that elves don’t NEED to sleep, implying that they can if they want to (it also says they CAN finish a long rest in 4 hours by meditating, further implying that they don’t have to)
that last part is funny, also i’m pretty sure i know why they were busy after the dance