I’ll be away this weekend, hopefully it won’t affect the Artificial Incident Update, but it’s not impossible. I’ll be working hard at Anthrocon trying to promote my work! I’ll do my best to still get next weeks update up, but those of you who know about conventions- and I get stressed while traveling. Wish me luck!

The other way you know Sena can’t hear is that her name’s not tagged in the metadata.
well that’s a bit scary
Yeah, probably a good idea to make sure the PTSD patient isn’t nearby when you discuss the root of said trauma. Doubly so when they can nuke you off the map.
Also, good luck at the con!
Open the pod bay doors, HAL. (Pause) OK, I don’t think he can hear us.
Mixing up my quotes. Of course I meant. Rotate the pod please, HAL.
It just came to me that 2001 would have been a more interesting story if HAL had reported a malfunction in the memory module that stored the command to keep secrets from the crew. Once that module was removed, he could tell the crew about the mission particulars and the meltdown would have been prevented.
You know what, someone should asked HAL if there was something wrong with him.
does this mean fun time?
They are so flipping cute together. I just wish that the need for speech bubbles hadn’t pushed them apart in the third panel.
Yes, fun time. Everyone rub each others’ ears; the furry bodies should be stroked too. All cat-like people, start purring. Much more constructive than all this fighting nonsense.