‘your’, not ‘you’re’. But still, nice update once again. Love the humor and the art style alike.^_^
Thanks, I really wish Clip Studio had a Spell check and Grammar check. It’s correct in my script yet when I type it out again I always tend to write the wrong thing =_=
I like how the guy thinks they could still win. Heh.
They might be able to take her by surprise and give her at least a good solid poisoned blade stab, thinking it might kill her. This would most probably cost all their lives though.
Now, the thing is, would poison even work on her. Clearly just one stab of a dagger is not enough to be lethal.
Well… They could. Worm face is incredibly dangerous, and the Bulb Nosed Tengu is no joke either.
the new cat girl is cute.
Werewolf. Wolf Girl
Ah, so the flufiness of her tail is due to that.
I agree with GB, she´s totally cute.
Not to mention her minimalistic clothing XD
Note also the faint crossed marks below her neck in the fifth panel (lower left). Are those tan lines, sheer/matching straps, or something else?
sage confirmed last time that they are tan lines when he had to re draw them for curves
Souls in the wind would make a nice song.
Sounds like a metal band name.
Ho boy, the back pedaling…
I already like the new wolf girl. Look at that big smile, and the sparkle in her eyes. She’s adorable.
Panel 5 – are those “invisible” straps, or tan lines?
Tan Lines- her other outfit has crossing straps.
There aren’t many comics out there that would add a detail like tan lines. Well done. So is Nyna’s tribe some sort of mish-mash of creatures?
Yes, her village is a collective of relatively to very powerful and mostly intelligent monsters. There are some actual families of the same type of monster, but there’s also a lot of monsters that just kinda solo creatures that dont age that live there.
‘your’, not ‘you’re’. But still, nice update once again. Love the humor and the art style alike.^_^
Thanks, I really wish Clip Studio had a Spell check and Grammar check. It’s correct in my script yet when I type it out again I always tend to write the wrong thing =_=
I like how the guy thinks they could still win. Heh.
They might be able to take her by surprise and give her at least a good solid poisoned blade stab, thinking it might kill her. This would most probably cost all their lives though.
Now, the thing is, would poison even work on her. Clearly just one stab of a dagger is not enough to be lethal.
Well… They could. Worm face is incredibly dangerous, and the Bulb Nosed Tengu is no joke either.
the new cat girl is cute.
Werewolf. Wolf Girl
Ah, so the flufiness of her tail is due to that.
I agree with GB, she´s totally cute.
Not to mention her minimalistic clothing XD
Note also the faint crossed marks below her neck in the fifth panel (lower left). Are those tan lines, sheer/matching straps, or something else?
sage confirmed last time that they are tan lines when he had to re draw them for curves
Souls in the wind would make a nice song.
Sounds like a metal band name.
Ho boy, the back pedaling…
I already like the new wolf girl. Look at that big smile, and the sparkle in her eyes. She’s adorable.
Panel 5 – are those “invisible” straps, or tan lines?
Tan Lines- her other outfit has crossing straps.
There aren’t many comics out there that would add a detail like tan lines. Well done. So is Nyna’s tribe some sort of mish-mash of creatures?
Yes, her village is a collective of relatively to very powerful and mostly intelligent monsters. There are some actual families of the same type of monster, but there’s also a lot of monsters that just kinda solo creatures that dont age that live there.