The Final Page of AI Chapter 5! Also the final page for the book which should be ordered either next week or the beginning of the week after! When the order is placed I’ll let you all know and start setting up the “store”. I will also have a few other things to add to the book as well.

Nyna, like all cats, enjoy the warmth
also, lol “that town is haunted, I heard moaning”
And like all cats, Nyna is adorable asleep.
Escort quests…
They always walk faster than your walking pace, but slower than your running pace.
the worst ones are when they are slower than your walking pace and about equal to your walking backwards pace
No the worst ones are the really slow ones who have to poke every square inch of the map. And don’t go about it in a reasonable order.
The absolutely worst ones are slow until they see a bandit/dragon/vampire lord/wolf/Bob off in the distance, lift up their fists because they’re unarmed, then sprint towards the death machine in no armor.
Or have an absolute path that they want to follow, until they get in combat, then they’ll catapult themselves over ravines, or across waterfalls, then get superbly stuck because they can’t figure out how to get back to their path.
How about the ones where they run ahead immediately and you are stuck playing catch-up while they’re being shredded by enemies?
Damn, I was hoping Nyna and Kaylin would share one last kiss before the chapter’s end, but maybe next time…
And then they rolled a WarMech on the encounter table.
Hm a house Steiner style airdrop would really ruin their day
That’s what the chainsaws are for.
Can We get the first panel without the word bubbles as a wallpaper?
Is her name pronounced ‘N,Yah,Na -or- Nee,Nah i cant tell.
Nya-nah/NYAH-Na. Very similar to the “Nyan/Nyah” cat noise and “nah”. That’s why Kaylin finds it so cute when she first hears it.
Page 21: Don’t get all clingy like some type of dog!
Page 26: Clinging onto the elf like its going out of style.
Well, at least she acts like a cat. 🙂 There can be snuggle times, but only if it starts from the cat.