It’s very funny to me that this is actually some of the foulest dialogue I have ever written into a comic. Also- hey look! It’s THE Blood Claw Bandit!

It’s very funny to me that this is actually some of the foulest dialogue I have ever written into a comic. Also- hey look! It’s THE Blood Claw Bandit!
I think you’re in a lot further over your head than you think, Mr. Bandit.
I wonder if that is some old player gear he came across. Too bad for him player trumps player’s gear.
Wow! And where did you get that claw scar on your face?
Uhm…. Well, y’see, it was my first day with this glove…
*Facepalm* OH GOD WHY?!~
Why can I not see the actual comic panes before “Blood Claw Bandits 9”? There are only comments visible on the older stuff… 🙁
I have missed the updates since the end of November because of travelling and I was SO looking forward to reading the backlog when I got back!
Great story and graphics though!
Hey Mats, yeah I’m aware of this issue but Mihari, our tech/software awesome person got sick while doing all the updates so there are a few issues we haven’t figured out yet. Basically, I personally went in to every single comic and reattached every comic to the page by hand… Went to make sure it was all working… and it wasn’t. I asked Mihari what was going on and her response was “Oh crap… I have an idea what caused that but I’m not sure yet, and I am super sick” so I was like “Ok, we have the mirror, but worse case scenario, I have to manually connect them a different way and that will take… a day or two.”
Long story short, soon as she can she’s going to look into it and fix it or we are going to have a ton of work fixing it manually. THAT SAID! the mirror still works and has everything!
Ya know, it took me till now to realize why kaylin was so fast in the previous comic. It’s her dark elf, nighttime speed bonus isn’t it? I thought she had stated that earlier in the comic, so nice chekov’s gun.
I believe the expression is….
“Omae wa mou…..
Heeey no setting on fire the place we’re supposed to sleep at !