Chapter 7 is almost over! Just a few more pages and we’re on to Chapter 8! What’s exciting about that? Well, once chapter 8 is over I get to work on converting chapters 6-8 into Book 2. Smaller than the first, so I can make it cheaper… and Chapter 8 has some great stuff I’m looking forward to!

What is a ‘Shapter’?
Looking at context, I think it’s likely a typo of chapter.
Yeah, we’ll call that kidnapping thing “Plan B”. Now what do we have for Plan A?
Plan Ara Ara was already shot down, so we’ll have to find a Plan C.
Looks like Nyna has gone AFK while they finish up their conversation.
nyna definitely cannot deny her feline roots…. sleeping all the time as soon as there isn’t some exciting distraction :p soo adorable
I want to act like Nyna just did, during meetings