Breaking and Entering is kinda her thing. She even has a skill that lets her open and enter a doorway without detection… of course it doesn’t stop someone on the other side of the door seeing her, it just makes it so she makes no noise and doesnt have to open the door very wide to reduce detection. Then you should go stealth mode but- she wants to talk, not assassinate or kidnap the kid. Speaking of, in Red Dead Redemption 2 I was sneaking up on someone I thought was a bad guy- turned out he wasnt so when i went to just wish him a good day and continue on in my Cowboy outlaw ways- i shot him in the back. Why would you make the “Howdy Partner” the same button as the “Shoot people” Button?!

“Why would you make the “Howdy Partner” the same button as the “Shoot people” Button?!”
Because shooting people is just another way of saying hello in Rockstar games?
To screw with people, that’s why.
Also, this can go a couple of ways, I look forward to seeing which way it goes.
B&E for break and enter, I assume.
Oh nevermind, author comment confirmed it.
Bacon and Eggs. =-p One of very few of Dane Cooke’s routines I love is his B&E bit.
Time to start talking about how shared memories. Also make sure to ask about how long he has beeb back.
Somebody has very good hearing score.
Well, she’s not doing her absolute best to keep him from hearing her. More of a “if I wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead” situation.
When I played Watch Dogs, I had similar problems with the controls. turns out the ‘climb low wall’ button is the same as ‘take out nonlethally’ button. So instead of stealthily putting an enemy to sleep I got up onto the car next to him, got immediately seen, and subsequently was filled with many, many tiny holes.
How dare you leave us on such a cliffhanger!
*vibrates in anticipation*
At least he went with the ask questions first routine, instead of the start shooting first. Will be fun to see how she takes this conversation.
“Ooh, nice perception check! My stealth skill is pretty high, so you must be fairly high level!”
“Uuuh, wait, you’re another adventurer?”
I can see her saying, “I know you are. We PUG’ged once.” as an ice breaker.
You know I can’t help but think about the setting here. I mean you have a super hot beautiful dark elf girl sneaking into to a teenage boys bedroom in the middle of the night. If the circumstances were different then…hehe