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If you’re interested in watching me draw, I stream every Friday at 9pm and Saturday at 3pm Eastern Time over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga!
Yes, break in to the adventerer’s home just to talk with him. This does not sound like it will go well becuase this almost never works in any world I have ever heard of, read about, or experienced.
Also, if Nyan gets board with her food she will probably get upto the wrong type of fun.
Woops Nyna is getting addicted to Kaylin and doesn’t want to be left alone~
you mean that the cat that complained about Kaylin being too clingy in Ch.5 pg.21 ends up being the clingy one
A cat can be as clingy as it ever wants to be. But heaven forbid you cling to one when it’s not in the mood. :p
this is very true
It looked like the mage kid was giving people balloon rides – a part of me wonders about whether pretending to want that and then dropping a ‘real world knowledge’ comment, would have been a way to safely get the adventurer’s attention so he could help set up the private conversation.
But then I guess Kaylin may not be fully in command of that knowledge, and she’s playing to her thieving strengths. Now just watch, turns out the kid is either a huge fan of hers… or for some reason REALLY doesnt like her by reputation.
I guess this’ll be interesting either way – just hope that we dont have to spend TOO many thief vs mage (in the style of spy vs spy?) pages getting to the inevitable ‘who are you?’ conversation.
Last Page She technically said they might know each other which is why she is playing it safe
A wizard with a hot air balloon? Now where have I heard that before…
It wasn´t in Kansas.
This can only end badly. On all fronts by all parties. Including the listing spells the mage set up all over the city!
If Kaylin gave her a gold piece, Nyna could buy all the food in the tavern.