Wait… Monster races have same sex relationships, because they don’t have marriage? No, that’s not it. Humans and other “player races” have most iconography depicting Male and Female marriages. So for some reason those races have limited their relationships based on it being the most- “Normal”? How does that work? So conforming to society is the cause? But real people don’t work that way- oh right… They aren’t “real” people. So how things work for them are bound by certain rules and changes. If one thing is default that’s how it is, until something is changed on a deeper level.
Well then she shands a chance, with non humans. Monsters yes, elves maybe?
It’s not like she’s human (in game)
I love how this is just blowing her mind, like finally someone admits same sex “fun” exists. Time to spread this to every town in the world…. tomorrow.
May be not a relationship material, but it’s relaly nice Kaylin finally has someone to really talk with on that subject.
I don’t care too much for the details. I’m just glad that Kaylin and Nyna have potential for a relationship in the future.
Hold up… is Nyna saying that they don’t have male/female iconography, or they don’t have males at all?
She’s saying they don’t have the iconography of only having male/female relationships. It will be a bit more clear in the next update and reasons for why it’s like this will be a bit later- dont want to do an exposition dump.
If I get it right the designers of the game world only put in artwork and stories (at least on the human side) depicting opposite-sex marriage and with the people here still being NPC’s at their core they never deviated from this belief? That would also explain why in the 300 years since the start of the story they barely made any scientific progress.
To be fair, most MMOs that have marriage do not allow same-sex marriage. Whether you agree or disagree with that is something for another comment, but that’s usually how it ends up being.
I think you’re talking her into moving in with you.
siexy tiems >:3
huh so monsters are progressive . . .WTF?
progressive ? It’s more humans regressed.
these are npcs in a medieval setting where their ain’t doctors delivery rooms ob-gyn s and no modern sense of prenatal care their is magic but a still born rate is still probably high in this kind of world
death rate might be equally high
true and because whoever made the game did so with a world “the Humans’ ” of this world would have the mindset of the period of time and so making sure that one had a heir would be incredibly important
I’m going a bit beside the subject, but what people thought back then, and what we think they thought back then, tend to have notable differences.
true but reasons behind behavior and reasons for behavior are rarely ever different
I’m saying whole periods of histories were either romantised or “devilised”, in various countries’ education, in order to fit their local agenda.
. . .I know this is nitpicking but is Devilised even a word? wouldn’t Vilified be the word your looking for?
Dunno ; english’s my third language.
. . .pretty sure it’s Vilified Devilsed gets a word correction and english is my first language
That’s true for monsters as well.